Home Learning

We appreciate how important the links between home and school are, as well as the need for us to work together to ensure a good education for your children. It is for this reason we believe that it is important that children begin to complete home learning from a young age. This enables you to help your child and for them to see parents and teachers working together.

At Willow Bank we see the purpose of home learning as the following:

  • Consolidating and reinforcing skills and understanding, particularly in English and maths.
  • Exploiting resources for learning of all kinds at home and developing the learning environment from the school to home.
  • Extending school learning, for example though additional reading.
  • Encouraging pupils, as they get older to develop the confidence and self-discipline needed to study on their own and preparing them for the requirements of secondary school.

The role of the parent and carers in supporting pupils:

In order that homework be successful in developing children’s learning it is important that parents / carers make it clear to children that they value the process of home learning and explain to children how it can help their education. Talking about the home learning set is essential. This could take the form of the child explaining what he or she has to do to complete the home learning. Equally, it could mean working with the child to complete the home learning.

Parents, (particularly of younger children or children with Special Educational Needs), ideally should support children with all homework activities. This means:

  • Checking the child has remembered their home learning
  • Discussing what the child has to do
  • Supporting the child with the home learning itself

All children have a home learning book which they will bring home weekly, although some activities may be accessed via the Google Classroom platform. Every child from Year 1 to Year 6 also has their own login to access the Times Tables Rockstars site for daily tables practice. 

 Overview of Home Learning 

Year English/Maths Reading  Spellings and Times Tables Curriculum 
EYFS Weekly 10 Weekly

A selection of activities to choose from a menu linked to the current topic.

The activities often have links to examples, pictures and videos. Children to pick only 2 activities to complete across every half term.

Year 1 Weekly 10 Weekly
Year 2 Weekly 15 Weekly
Year 3 Weekly 20 Weekly
Year 4 Weekly 20 Weekly
Year 5 Weekly 30 Weekly
Year 6 Weekly 30 Weekly



  • Do find a quiet place at home to use as a home learning area. It needs a flat surface, appropriate lighting and equipment e.g., pens, pencils, ruler, scissors, glue
  • Do be aware of modern teaching methods, e.g., in long division
  • Do plan a home learning timetable and agree on when your child will do their home learning.
  • Do allow your child to have something nutritional to eat before starting 
  • Do discuss any home learning tasks with your child and how it connects with what they are studying at school.
  • Do turn off the TV - but you could have music on if they find it helpful
  • Encourage your child to independently research or look up any unknown topic or word
  • Keep home learning fun and make it a special time that you both look forward to